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Unveiling the Connection: Is Cleome Related to Hemp?

In recent years, hemp has gained significant attention for its versatile uses and potential benefits. From textiles and construction materials to health and wellness products, hemp has become a buzzword in various industries. While exploring the fascinating world of plants, Cleome is another name that often arises. This article delves into the intriguing question: Is Cleome related to hemp? Let’s explore the connection between these two plants and discover the truth behind their relationship.


Understanding Hemp

Before diving into the potential link between Cleome and hemp, it’s crucial to grasp the basics of hemp itself. Hemp refers to various Cannabis sativa plant species primarily grown for industrial purposes. Unlike its close relative marijuana, hemp contains minimal THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive compound also responsible for the “high” effect. Instead, hemp is prized for its fibrous stalks, nutritious seeds, and cannabinoid-rich flowers.


Exploring Cleome

Cleome, commonly known as spider flower or spider plant, belongs to the Cleomaceae family. Cleome species are popular in ornamental gardening with vibrant blooms and distinctive long stamens. These plants are native to the tropical and the subtropical regions and are cultivated for their attractive appearance and fragrance. Cleome plants can grow tall, reaching up to six feet, and are known for their hardy nature and ability to self-sow.


The Relationship

Despite some similarities in appearance between Cleome and hemp, they are not directly related. Cleome belongs to the Cleomaceae family, whereas hemp comes from the Cannabaceae family. While both families fall under the order of Rosales, they are distinct in their genetic makeup and characteristics.

Cleome plants do not possess the same chemical composition as hemp. Hemp is particularly valued for its high cannabidiol (CBD) content and low THC levels. Cleome plants, conversely, do not produce cannabinoids and are not associated with the medicinal or therapeutic properties attributed to hemp.

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Benefits and Uses


Although Cleome is unrelated to hemp, it still has unique benefits and uses. Here are a few notable aspects of Cleome plants:


Ornamental Gardening

Cleome’s attractive flowers and distinctive shape make it a popular choice for adding beauty to gardens and landscapes.


Pollinator Support

The vibrant blooms of Cleome attract bees, butterflies, and other pollinators, supporting a healthy ecosystem.


Medicinal Uses

Certain Cleome species have been utilized in traditional medicine for their potential therapeutic properties, although more research is needed to validate their effectiveness.


Dispelling Misconceptions

It’s not uncommon for people to mistakenly associate Cleome with hemp due to their somewhat similar appearance. However, it’s essential to differentiate between the two to prevent misunderstandings and promote accurate information.


Legal Considerations

Another aspect to consider when discussing hemp is its legal status. Hemp has gained significant attention due to the legalization of industrial hemp cultivation in many countries, including the United States. The cultivation of hemp is regulated to ensure the plants contain less than 0.3% THC, the threshold distinguishing it from marijuana. This legal distinction has paved the way for commercializing hemp-derived products like CBD oils, textiles, and nutritional supplements.


Cleome’s Unique Qualities

Although Cleome is not related to hemp, it possesses qualities that make it a valuable plant. For instance:



Cleome species contribute to the biodiversity of plant species worldwide, adding beauty and variety to different ecosystems.


Companion Planting

Cleome’s tall stature and unique flowers make it an ideal garden companion. It can provide shade, attract beneficial insects, and act as a natural barrier for smaller plants.

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Cleome plants have the fascinating ability to self-sow. Their seed pods burst open when mature, dispersing seeds for new growth in subsequent seasons.


Ethno botanical Uses

Some Cleome species have a history of use in traditional medicine. Indigenous cultures have utilized these plants for various purposes, such as treating skin conditions, digestive disorders, and respiratory ailments. However, it’s important to note that these uses are based on traditional knowledge and may require further scientific validation.




Q1: Can I use Cleome as a substitute for hemp?

A: No, Cleome cannot be used as a substitute for hemp. Hemp is cultivated for its fibers, seeds, and cannabinoids, while Cleome is primarily grown for ornamental purposes. The two plants have different chemical compositions and serve distinct purposes.


Q2: Is Cleome legal to grow?

A: Cleome is legal to grow in most regions as an ornamental plant. However, it’s essential to check local regulations and restrictions regarding plant cultivation to ensure compliance with any specific guidelines.


Q3: Does Cleome contain cannabinoids like hemp?

A: No, Cleome does not produce cannabinoids like hemp. Cannabinoids, including CBD, are specific compounds in cannabis plants, primarily hemp and marijuana. Cleome does not have the chemical components associated with cannabinoids.


Q4: Are there any health benefits associated with Cleome?

A: While Cleome has been used in traditional medicine for various purposes, its potential health benefits require further scientific research and validation. It’s always best to consult with the healthcare professional before using any plant for the medicinal purposes.

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Q5: Can Cleome be used for companion planting?

A: Cleome can be used as a companion plant in gardens. Its tall structure can shade smaller plants, and its attractive flowers attract beneficial insects like bees and butterflies. Additionally, Cleome can act as a natural barrier or decoy plant to deter pests.


Q6: Can hemp and Cleome cross-pollinate?

A: No, hemp and Cleome cannot cross-pollinate because they belong to different plant families. Cross-pollination occurs between plants of the same species or closely related species within the same plant family.


Q7: Is hemp the same as marijuana?

A: No, hemp and marijuana are different varieties of the Cannabis sativa plant species. Hemp contains minimal THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive compound responsible for the “high” effect, while marijuana has higher levels of THC. Hemp is primarily cultivated for industrial purposes, while marijuana is grown for recreational or medicinal use.


Q8: Can Cleome seeds be consumed?

A: Cleome seeds are not commonly consumed as a food source, and their nutritional value is limited. It’s advisable to focus on Cleome’s ornamental value rather than considering the seeds for consumption.


While Cleome and hemp may share a few similarities in appearance, they are different plants with different characteristics, genetic makeup, and uses. Cleome, known for its beauty and self-sowing nature, belongs to the Cleomaceae family and does not produce cannabinoids like hemp. Conversely, hemp is a valuable industrial crop cultivated for its fibers, seeds, and CBD content.

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